Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Greatest Fabrication Ever Told

Christians call the story of Jesus, "The Greatest Story Ever Told" because they believe it to be authentic and straight from God. Non-Christians, and people who do not subscribe to any religion refer to it as the "Greatest Lie Ever Told" because you would need to be thoroughly brainwashed to believe it. The article writer is not Atheist, he simply does not buy the biblical depiction of God, or that the Bible is divinely inspired.

Before any of you formulate in your mind, the possibility that the article writer's soul will reside forever in Hell (another man-made creation), because of his non-belief status, please research energy, and what it entails.

Energy does not burn, cannot be destroyed, it moves into form (birth), through form (life), and out of form (physical death), and like the cycles of water, carbon, and nitrogen, the soul is in an eternal state of regeneration.

As the late astrophysicist Carl Sagan stated, "We are made of star stuff."

Approximately 96 percent of the mass of the human body is made up of four elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, most in the form of water.

If a large percentage of the human body consist of water, and for billions of years, water has regenerated via the hydrologic cycle, what does that tell you?

Pious adherents, hate to break it to you, but your pastors, bishops, and other members of the clergy, do not want you to know the truth because their gravy train would end. Don't give me the nonsense about, "Bishop Such-and-Such has his own business, and does not take a salary," that's balderdash. Most profitable ministers do have a side business or two, but the proceeds to start that business came from his faithful followers. Any other morally profitable business, community services, schools, etc., that spawned from the selling of indulgences, tithes and love offerings, are tantamount to a drug dealer handing out turkeys on Thanksgiving or presents on Christmas day; like the ecclesiastical hustler, he is still destroying lives and considered scum of the earth. 

These evangelical charlatans don't talk to you about the strong probability of intelligent life on other planets. He won't broach the subject that humans, in no way, shape, or form, are alone in this galaxy, and certainly not in the observable universe. A universe with multiple times the number of galaxies than the estimated 7.5 billion people on planet Earth.

This is the true reason why the Roman anecdote is referred to as "The Greatest Story Ever Told."

© Copyright July 18, 2013 - All Rights Reserved. Author #Taskeinc

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Zero Point Energy and Government Cover-up

The energy of the atom or molecule is being fueled by everything around it. It’s impossible to take out all the energy in a quantum system. Zero-point energy is the least amount of energy a system can have inside a vacuum. E=mc^2 equates to: mass is energy. Inside a vacuum includes Boson fields, electromagnetic fields, gauge fields, fermion fields… basically the ground state of all the fields.

Since space is infinite, then the amount of zero-point energy would be infinite. Zero-point energy is free energy, energy contained within the vacuum of space and is undetectable by any traditional means. It's energy that is homogeneous (the same throughout no matter where you are in the universe), and isotropic (the same in every direction and from any viewing angle). There's no way to measure it but experiments in quantum mechanics, theoretical physics, clearly show the existence of an all-pervasive, electromagnetic field referred to as the Zero-point field.

Vacuum is empty space-time. The Lamb Shift (named after Willis Lamb - based on the interaction between the electron and the vacuum causes a tiny energy shift - awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1955) and Quantum mechanics shows that the exchange of energy between the vacuum and the charged particles is in fact real and generates real effects. It generates effects in actual material or substance. In the modern quantum mechanical view, what we find is that the vacuum is fiercely active, a fierce energy flux going in all directions at all times. The energy density is estimated by various physicist, as being extremely high. If you took the raw energy in one cubic centimeter and condense it into mass, divided by c squared, you would have more observable mass result from that than our largest telescope can see in the observable universe. This drives everything that we call physical reality, from the quantum level up to the observed level and the observed world that we live in, it's all energetically driven by the vacuum.

Study the "Paleocontact Hypothesis", which suggest that Deities (Gods) from most, if not all religions, were intelligent extraterrestrials. These advanced beings played an influential role in past human affairs. They introduced advanced technical knowledge across the galaxies and assisted humans in building large structures, unique devices, and passed on scientific facts, not yet discovered by primitive man. Their influence, coupled with a celestial and highly evolved consciousness, were mistaken by our archaic ancestors. Their actions were glorified, praised, and hidden, rather than studied. Those few who knew better, instead of proliferating the truth, chose to manipulate the masses via holy books and religion.

Nikola Tesla believed that free energy could be provided to the world by transmitting electric power without wires; power derived from cosmic energy. In 1901, Tesla unfortunately crossed paths with JP Morgan. Tesla's ambitious "Wardenclyffe Tower", aka Tesla Tower, was a wireless transmission tower. The intent of the Tesla Tower was for commercial trans-Atlantic wireless telephony, and wireless power transmission. The tower was demolished in 1917 by Morgan, which left Tesla "penniless and disillusioned." The wealthy industrialist at the time knew that their plans to wire the world with copper would be greatly hindered if they could not control the supply and means of delivery.

Nikola Tesla's goal was to develop technology in harmony with nature (which is what other intelligent life in the universe has been doing for millinea), but this conflicted with the primitive prevailing American attitude at the time, that mankind was put on Earth to subdue and dominate nature. Tesla would be denounced as a "crackpot" and the majority of his work was removed from historical records. When Tesla died in 1943, his scientific papers were seized by US Government agents. If Tesla's genius was recognized, there's no telling what ideas and services our world could benefit from today.

JP Morgan prohibited Tesla from broadcasting electric power overseas without wires, he stated, "if I can't put a meter on it, I can't finance it." This has changed the course of history and we have suffered from this "profit motive" for the past century.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Canadian Minister of Defense

Canadian Minister of National Defense, Honorable Paul Hellyer, spoke at a symposium in Toronto Canada. What he spoke about is generally taboo in global politics and most American politicians would not dare broach the subject of UFO's Paul Hellyer states in no uncertain terms that UFO's are just as real as the airplanes you see in the sky. 

At least 4 species of aliens have been visiting Earth for thousands of years. They are not an amorphous species, in other words, they are not shapeless, they have a form just as humans have a form. There are live ET's on Earth, at this present time and at least two work for the US Government. One such species is referred to as the "Tall Whites." They live on US Air force property and work in cooperation with the US Air force.

Paul Hellyer wants to disclose the fact that these issues are real and that tax paying citizens are capable of accepting the reality that we live in a cosmos teaming with life of various sorts. The fact that some other civilizations are more advanced than we are may be humbling.

These truths are being kept secret by many cabals, such as: Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers, Oil Cartel, Banking Cartel, Trilateral Commission, International Banking Cartel, and select members of the military. Together they have become a shadow government of not only the United States but most of the world. This group is accountable to no one and according to Rockefeller, "the plan is well advanced."

Canada's Minister of Defense, Paul Hellyer's call is for people to come together for peace. Doing so will require a paradigm shift in our collective attitudes. "It involves a defacto renunciation of the plan for a new American energy and the adoption of a pledge in cooperation with all humankind." "To build the kind of world in which we are collectively capable of."

Hellyer further states, "young people everywhere need to be challenged by a noble cause." "They need to be involved in arresting Global Warming. Creating a banking system that is just and sustainable, and lead the way in the transformation to the new reality that we have to live in harmony with our celestial neighbors, as well as seeking peace on Earth." "In a word, we must become Spiritual Beings and practice the one tenet that the worlds major religions have in come, the Golden Rule."

Millennial Hospitality Excerpt

The Eleventh Hour: Humanity’s Role in Earth’s Survival

The 11th Hour, a documentary by Leonardo DiCaprio, delves into humanity's precarious relationship with the planet. Directed by Leila Conners Petersen and Nadia Conners, the film combines insights from 50 leading scientists, thinkers, and visionaries, including Stephen Hawking, Mikhail Gorbachev, and sustainable design experts Bruce Mau and William McDonough. Together, they tackle a pressing question: Is it too late to prevent ecological disaster?

The documentary paints a sobering picture of humanity's place in Earth’s history. If the planet's existence were compressed into a single year, humans would have arrived on December 31st, just 15 minutes before midnight. Recorded history would occupy only the final 60 seconds of this metaphorical timeline. This perspective underscores how brief and fragile our presence has been—and how profoundly we’ve altered the planet in such a short span.

At the core of humanity’s ecological crisis is a dangerous misconception: that we are separate from nature. This illusion has fostered the belief that humans are superior to other life forms, granting us dominion over the Earth. In reality, we are not apart from nature; we are nature. This fundamental misunderstanding—viewing ourselves as distinct from the natural world—has led to widespread destruction and imbalance.

Modern society is built on systems that encourage disharmony with the planet. We create sprawling urban environments, explore space, and prioritize economic growth over ecological health. While technological advances and economic systems have their merits, they often come at the cost of neglecting ancient wisdom—insights that once kept us connected to nature. These forgotten truths reminded us that our actions have consequences and that disrespecting the natural world would ultimately bring about our downfall.

Despite mounting evidence of ecological collapse, many governments remain indifferent to the severity of the crisis. Few, including major global powers like the United States, have fully acknowledged or addressed the urgent need for environmental reform. Political agendas, economic greed, and short-term thinking continue to overshadow long-term sustainability.

This disconnection is evident in how we view ourselves as creators of self-contained habitats, seemingly independent of the natural world. We’ve convinced ourselves that we can conquer and control nature, reducing its value to mere resources for human consumption. Yet, this mindset ignores an essential truth: the health of the planet and the health of humanity are inseparable.

The consequences of this arrogance are evident in the environmental disasters unfolding around us—rising temperatures, deforestation, species extinction, and polluted oceans. These crises are not just random occurrences but direct results of humanity’s disregard for nature’s balance. By ignoring the interconnectedness of life, we’ve set ourselves on a path toward self-destruction.

The documentary emphasizes that while we’ve created this crisis, we also have the tools to address it. The insights of visionaries and experts offer hope and solutions, but meaningful change requires a collective shift in mindset. We must abandon the illusion of separation and embrace a more harmonious relationship with the natural world.

At this critical juncture, humanity must remember the lessons of the past. Ancient cultures understood the delicate balance between human activity and the environment. They recognized that any harm inflicted on the Earth would inevitably return to haunt them. By reviving these lessons and integrating them with modern innovations, we can forge a sustainable path forward.

The 11th Hour
is a stark reminder that our time is running out. The choices we make now will determine whether we secure a future for ourselves and the generations to come—or whether we allow the illusion of separation to seal our fate. The question is not whether we can save the planet; it is whether we can save ourselves by reconnecting with the natural world that sustains us.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Study the Universe

I keep saying to anyone who cares to listen, or read, if you study the universe, for 1 month, you'll see that many of the Islamic stories that appear in the Qur'an, and many of the Christian stories that appear in the Bible, don't have an ounce of truth in them. We are not the only intelligent beings in the universe and we are not the most advanced beings in the universe. A Bible or Qur'an apologist will tell you, "the Qur'an/Bible speaks about other planets and extra-terrestrials." However, what little is mentioned is convoluted, esoteric, and laced with so many double-entendre's, it could mean darn near anything; whatever you want it to mean, but the truth is no where to be found.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


The author of Cosmos is Giles Sparrow. The foreword was written by the writer of Galileo's Daughter, Dava Sobel. She provides an awe-inspiring account of the ultimate journey - a 13.7 billion-light-year voyage from our home planet to the edge of the universe and the beginning of time. The magnificent vault of stars emblazoning Earth’s night skies are but an infinitesimal fraction of the hundreds of billions that inhabit our galaxy, and there are at least as many galaxies in the universe as there are stars in the Milky Way.

This collection of images of staggering beauty makes sense of this dizzying celestial panorama by exploring it one step at a time, illustrating the planets, moons, stars, nebulae, white dwarfs, black holes, and other exotica that populate the heavens, with some of science's most spectacular photographs.

The book opens with an orbital survey of planet Earth, before venturing into the solar system heading for interstellar space and the heart of our galaxy. As the journey unfolds, the rhythms of stellar life emerge: we pass through dark clouds of dust and gas ablaze with newly smelted stars and we witness dying stars bloom and fade as planetary nebulae, or tear themselves apart as supernovae.

After crossing the Milky Way, we enter intergalactic space, where we watch the hidden lives of galaxies: we see them flock and cluster, forming massive conglomerations that span millions of light years, visibly warping space with their tremendous gravity. After covering an almost unimaginable 13.7 billion light years, we approach the edge of space and the dawn of time where our voyage must end, but not before we consider how the universe was born, and how it might die.

Amazon Review

Giles Sparrow's 'Cosmos' is a fantastic journey through space. From the innermost objects in our solar system, to the outermost limits of known space, and everything in between, Sparrow brings us in depth descriptions and amazing pictures of our universe.

This is the best book about space and astronomy that Ive ever purchased. This book is a perfect introduction to the universe for beginners, yet provides fascinating information and pictures even for veteran and professional astronomers.

The book is huge physically, which is appropriate considering the contents inside it. And at the price its going now, it is a huge value. Highly recommended. 

Review by Aaron Kinney

Saturday, June 1, 2013


The Milky Way galaxy holds a special significance to humans as it is our cosmic home. However, in the grand scheme of the universe, our galaxy is an ordinary barred spiral, one among billions of galaxies scattered across the cosmos.

When you look up at the night sky, a broad, luminous band stretches across the heavens. Ancient civilizations described this celestial feature as a "river," "milk," or "path." This striking band of light is the central plane of our galaxy as seen from one of its outer arms. The Milky Way spans approximately 100,000 light-years across, contains over 200 billion stars, and has vast reserves of gas and dust capable of forming billions more. To put it in perspective, one light-year equals 5.88 trillion miles (9.46 trillion kilometers).

Our solar system is located about 30,000 light-years from the galactic center and roughly 20 light-years above the plane of the galaxy. Interestingly, more than half of the stars in the Milky Way are older than our sun, which is approximately 4.5 billion years old.

The most common type of star in the galaxy is the red dwarf. These small, cool stars have about a tenth of the sun's mass. Initially, red dwarfs were thought to be unsuitable for hosting life-bearing planets because their habitable zones were assumed to be too close to the star. However, recent research suggests that planets in these "Goldilocks zones"—not too close and not too far from their host star—could potentially support life.

As recently as the 1920s, astronomers believed all the stars in the universe resided within the Milky Way. This perspective shifted dramatically when Edwin Hubble identified a special type of star known as a Cepheid variable. By using these stars to measure distances, Hubble discovered that many of the so-called "nebulae" were actually separate galaxies far beyond the Milky Way.

If you could take an aerial view of the Milky Way, you would see a central bulge surrounded by four prominent spiral arms. While two-thirds of all galaxies in the universe are spiral-shaped, the Milky Way is classified as a barred spiral galaxy because of the elongated bar structure running through its center. It has two major arms and two significant minor arms, along with smaller spurs. Our solar system resides in one of these spurs, the Orion Arm, situated between the larger Perseus and Sagittarius arms.

The Milky Way is not a static structure; it rotates continuously. As the galaxy spins, its arms and the solar system move through space. Our solar system travels at an astonishing speed of approximately 515,000 miles per hour (828,000 kilometers per hour). Even at this incredible velocity, it takes roughly 230 million years for the solar system to complete one orbit around the galactic center.

To grasp the vastness of the universe, consider that the Andromeda Galaxy, our closest galactic neighbor, is about 2.5 million light-years away—equivalent to 15 quintillion miles (15,000,000,000,000,000,000). This immense distance underscores the challenges of discovering intelligent life elsewhere in the cosmos, even as we continue to search for evidence of it.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Barska Straight Spotting Scope with Tripod

Barska Scope - $79.79
For you new star-gazers that don't have a scope, here's the perfect starter telescope.

The Barska Waterproof Straight Spotting Scope is an excellent choice. The optics are crystal clear and it's very light, 2lbs, 10 ounces, even with the tripod attached.

The zooming dial is on the eyepiece, and the focus dial is on the body of the scope. Both are easy to access while viewing.

The tripod is solid, adjustable, and smooth and the scope comes with a lens cap for the front, and a long-screw-on cap for the eyepiece. The carry case has a divided compartment so the scope and tripod don't come into contact with each other. The manual slips in easily and the body of the scope has a solid, rubberized feel. Excellent scope at a great price!

Other Features ...

  • Carrying case w/scope and tripod, 14" x 6" x 3"
  • 20x-60x zoom magnification
  • 100 percent waterproof and fogproof
  • Smooth focusing knob
  • Fully-coated optics
  • Includes pan-head tripod and soft carrying case

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Carl Sagan

Carl Sagan was an astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, science popularizer, science communicator, in astronomy and natural sciences, and a Pulitzer prize winner. He spent most of his career as a professor of astronomy at Cornell University where he directed the Laboratory for Planetary Studies. He published more than 600 scientific papers and articles and was author, co-author or editor of more than 20 books. He advocated scientifically skeptical inquiry and the scientific method, pioneered exobiology and promoted the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI).

Here's the gist of what he stated in a 1966 interview. "Many of the stars in the sky have planetary systems. We know enough now about the origin of life to appear likely that life arises naturally on the vast bulk of these planets."

"It's possible but by no means certain that life, on many of these planets, evolves into beings which are advanced as we, or more advanced. I don't see any reason why we can't imagine that there's civilizations thousands or millions of years in advance of ourselves, capable of technical feats that we can hardly imagine. The real belief in flying-saucers is much easily obtained if you look at the contact myths. Several hundred people in the U.S. who claimed to have had personal contact with the inhabitants of flying saucers that have landed. If you examine these myths you will find there are some peculiar regularities."

The inhabitants of saucers are benevolent, really concerned for our well-being, they are omnipotent - extremely powerful; omniscient - extremely knowledgeable, and they often wear long white robes. This combination is something you hear in other contexts; this isn't science, this is religion. What I suspect is happening is this: we live in very unsettled times. It used to be possible to believe in a personal, benevolent, powerful, all-knowing God, who cared about individuals, who you could pray to. But now, there are very few people who believe that."


Destroying the Ecosystem

The 11th Hour is a documentary from Leonardo DiCaprio about the state of humanity and the world. Co-directors Leila Conners Petersen and Nadia Conners conduct interviews with some of the world's leading scientists and creative thinkers in a film that asks whether or not it's too late to avoid the ecological disaster that looms ominously on the horizon.

In addition to exploring how the human race has arrived at this crucial point in history, conversations with 50 leading thinkers, scientists, and leaders including former Soviet prime minister Mikhail Gorbachev, world-renowned scientist Stephen Hawking, and sustainable design experts Bruce Mau and William McDonough to find out just what humankind can do about the most pressing issues of our time.

Homo sapiens Sapiens is an incredibly young species. We came very late in the calendar year of the Earth. The Earth calendar started January 1 and now we're Dec 31st. We got here 15 minutes before midnight on Dec 31st and all of recorded history as gone by in the past 60 seconds.

There is a fundamental illusion in the world that someone we are separate from nature. The reality is that we are part of nature, in fact, we are nature. This is the fundamental misunderstanding in the world that is causing so much havoc. Our culture is built on the assumption that we are the superior life form on Earth; that we are separate from all other life forms; that we've been given dominion over all other life forms.

To think that we are separated from nature is a thinking disorder. You can't be separated from nature, why we think that way is what's interesting. What happens in the mind that likes to think it's separated from nature? We are living in total disharmony with the planet. We're exploring space, which is a good thing, but our explorations do not affect our attitudes. Attitudes that are based on selfishness, the economic situation, and politics. How many governments in the world have taken the environmental crisis for what it is? Very few, and certainly not the United States.
